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Tag: Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Why Managed Endpoint Security Eliminates Cybersecurity Blind Spots

Why Managed Endpoint Security Eliminates Cybersecurity Blind Spots

Incomplete cybersecurity information visibility comes at a cost. Without real-time comprehensive visibility, organizations experience blind spots that handcuff your cybersecurity protection and increase risk. IT environments are increasingly complex as they span on-premises, cloud, endpoint, and hybrid approaches.
(MSP) Revamp media company cybersecurity case study

Revamping a Media Company’s Cybersecurity Practices in 72 Hours

Delve into Lumifi Cyber's compelling case study in the manufacturing industry, uncovering how their expertise fortified security measures. Witness how advanced solutions, tailored to the sector's unique needs, revolutionized cybersecurity. Visit the link to explore the full success story. Delve into Lumifi Cyber's compelling case study in the manufacturing industry, uncovering how their expertise fortified security measures. Witness how advanced solutions, tailored to the sector's unique needs, revolutionized cybersecurity. Visit the link to explore the full success story.
Understanding MDR, EDR, EPP, and XDR

Understanding MDR, EDR, EPP, and XDR

The cybersecurity industry is notorious for coining terms and acronyms that rise and fall out of favor before they even have a chance to be fully understood. We get it – rapid innovation can be messy and lead to confusion and clutter. While it’s exciting and encouraging to see so many solution providers invent new solutions and improve upon others, resulting in new concepts, sometimes all of this terminology is honestly just an effort to stand out from the crowd.
Demystifying MDR: Five Myths for MSSPs

Demystifying MDR: Five Myths for MSSPs

Small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are continuously seeking ways to safeguard their data and resiliency against persistent criminals through increased cyber defenses. But their security service providers often find that they are ill equipped to address advanced threats, let alone know where to begin. Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solutions are gaining traction with resource-constrained organizations looking for 24/7 proactive protection. The threat landscape and MDR marketplace is evolving, creating confusion for Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) and customers alike.
Four Key Steps to Rapid Incident Response

Four Key Steps to Rapid Incident Response

Is it possible to avoid security breaches? Judging from recent headlines, probably not. Victims range from startups like Kreditech, to major retailers like Target,to the US State Department and even the White House. Regardless of the security measures you have in place, it is prudent to assume you will suffer a breach at some point. Be sure to have a response plan in place — just in case.

Lumifi Looks to Buy MDR Providers

Lumifi is exploring the acquisition of Managed Detection and Response (MDR) providers, a move aimed at enhancing its Managed Security Services (MSS). This strategic step underscores Lumifi's commitment to innovation and staying ahead of emerging threats. Stay tuned for updates as Lumifi navigates this exciting phase, solidifying its status as a leading force in cybersecurity.
Report All the Binary Code Executing on Your Network with Sysmon Event IDs

Report All the Binary Code Executing on Your Network with Sysmon Event IDs

Computers do what they are told, whether good or bad. One of the best ways to detect intrusions is to recognize when computers are following bad instructions – whether in binary form or in some higher level scripting language.
Key Elements of MDR for Powerful and Practical Cybersecurity

Key Elements of MDR for Powerful and Practical Cybersecurity

The rise in ransomware attack volume and sophistication is a wake-up call for executives and IT departments alike. Traditional perimeter-focused defenses, such as firewalls, are no longer sufficient against stealthy and financially-motivated attackers.
What Is Managed Detection Response (MDR)? A Comprehensive Guide

What Is Managed Detection Response (MDR)? A Comprehensive Guide

As the importance of protecting valuable data and systems increases, organizations are facing mounting challenges in defending against sophisticated cyber attacks. To address these threats head-on, businesses are increasingly adopting advanced security solutions such as Managed Detection Response (MDR). In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key components of MDR, highlighting its core elements, […]
MDR Cybersecurity: Strengthening Defenses Against Modern Threats

MDR Cybersecurity: Strengthening Defenses Against Modern Threats

In our interconnected world, the specter of cyber attacks casts a formidable shadow. With each technological advancement, cybercriminals adapt their tactics and strategies, posing new challenges for organizations. To effectively counter these ever-evolving threats, robust cybersecurity measures are essential. Among these measures, Managed Detection and Response (MDR) has emerged as a pivotal component in fortifying […]
Three critical advantages of EventTracker Essentials

Three critical advantages of EventTracker Essentials

By now it’s accepted that SIEM is a foundational technology for both securing a network from threats as well as demonstrating regulatory compliance. However, SIEM is not fit-and-forget technology, nor is it technically simple to implement and operate.
Security shield glows blue, symbolizes safety and encryption ,Managed Detection Response

Managed Detection Response Solutions: Enhancing Cybersecurity Defense

Today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations face an ever-growing threat of cyber-attacks. The traditional reactive approach to cybersecurity is no longer sufficient to protect sensitive data and critical systems. Managed Detection Response (MDR) solutions have emerged as a proactive and effective approach to enhance cybersecurity defense. In this blog, we will explore the core components, […]
Lumifi Soc providing Managed Detection Service

The Evolution of Managed Detection Response: A Comprehensive History 

Introduction to Managed Detection Response (MDR):  Managed Detection Response (MDR) has emerged as a crucial component in the field of cybersecurity, providing organizations with enhanced threat detection and response capabilities. In this blog, we will delve into the history of MDR, exploring its origins, advancements, and its current role in the modern cybersecurity landscape.  Early […]
Michael-Malone-Lumifi- Managed Detection Response

An interview with Michael Malone: The evolution of MDR

Q. Can you share with us the journey of Datashield/Lumifi and how it has evolved in the field of Managed Detection and Response (MDR)? What were the key milestones and challenges along the way?  Datashield/Lumifi has come a long way in Managed Detection and Response (MDR). Our journey began as an investment by myself and […]
Protect Your Security Budget Against Economic Risks with MDR

Protect Your Security Budget Against Economic Risks with MDR

Security leaders are increasingly being asked to do more with less. In-house capabilities don't scale fast enough to keep up.  Business leaders are cutting costs across the board in preparation for a potential recession. Business units that were used to receiving ample funding are hitting limits to near-term growth. Organizations that used to fund ambitious […]
The Difference Between a SIEM Solution and SIEM Tool: Features vs. Outcomes

The Difference Between a SIEM Solution and SIEM Tool: Features vs. Outcomes

Can you simply buy a “SIEM solution”? Turns out you really cannot, no matter how hard you try nor how passionately the vendor promises. What you can buy at the store is a SIEM tool, which is a completely different thing. SIEM tools are products, while implementing a security or compliance solution involves people, process, and technology. SIEM tools are a critical part of SIEM, but they’re not the whole solution.

Legal Organization Case Study

Discover Lumifi Cyber's impactful case study, showcasing their prowess in strengthening security for legal organizations. Unveil how their tailored solutions, including Microsoft Sentinel and Defender for Endpoint, elevated protection in the legal sector. Visit the link to explore the full success story.
Security Posture

Security Posture Priorities

Solution Evaluation An integral step in creating a resilient cybersecurity platform is to perform an audit of your organizations existing policies and procedures. Lumifi can help with this endeavor during our Asset Criticality Assessment, during client onboarding process, and periodically on a structured timeline. Here are components we consider when looking at the entire security […]
Managed Detection and Response

Breaking-Down Managed Detection and Response

Cybersecurity is a very important issue for any organization, and events can lead to a variety of negative outcomes; incidents often result in data theft, financial loss, and even damaged reputation. The cost of an attack is very high, which is why it's important to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Managed Detection and Response […]
MDR; Everything You Need to Know About SOC 2 Compliance

How Advanced MDR Helps with Security Detection and Response of 7 Common Threats

677.66 million. That's the number of cumulative detections of newly-developed malware applications worldwide in 2020. If you think your organization's basic antivirus software can keep up with this constant barrage of attacks, well, it's simply not possible.
What Is Managed Detection and Response and Why Do You Need It?

What Is Managed Detection and Response and Why Do You Need It?

The security of data and systems is one of the most important concerns in today' business world. If your data is at risk or compromised, it can cripple your operations along with the trust others have in your business.
How Fortune 200 Enterprises Select MDR Vendors | Castra

How Fortune 200 Enterprises Select MDR Vendors

For large organizations, managed detection and response is just one of many cybersecurity solutions that must work together seamlessly. Enterprise cybersecurity professionals have to choose their tech stack wisely.  
5 Do's and Don'ts to Qualify Your Next MDR deployment

5 Do's and Don'ts to Qualify Your Next MDR

(Updated April 2022) The success of your managed detection and response deployment hinges on asking the right questions.  Managed detection and response is a valuable element of your enterprise' security posture. With the right technologies in the hands of competent, highly trained analysts, you can significantly reduce security risks while paying a fraction of what […]
MDR-Service-Delivery-Options; managed detection and response

MDR Service Delivery Options

Organizations of all sizes rely on managed security service providers (MSSPs) to deliver managed detection and response (MDR) and additional cybersecurity services at scale. Understanding the various service options can save your organization money and resources. The difference in technology and its usage is the primary differentiating factor between MDR providers. While some rely on […]
Vensure HR; mxdr_human_resources_case_study


Lumifi provides Vensure with scalable, on-demand security services that unlock real value. Human resources firms constantly onboard new users and must continuously monitor their performance to ensure customer satisfaction. They must also process a great deal of sensitive data, from employee histories to payroll information. To do this, HR providers like Vensure offer an implicit guarantee […]

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Q3: SOC Quarterly Threat Briefing

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