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Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)

Fuel Your Incident Response Workflows with Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). Make better decisions when it matters most. Talk to an expert about curated threat intelligence today.

Make Knowledge Integral To Cyber Defense

Threat intelligence provides all-important context to security events, showing how they fit into the tactics, techniques, and procedures used by threat actors. Integrating timely, detailed information into investigation workflows helps analysts make better, more informed security decisions.

Lumifi uses this data to improve the speed and accuracy of its detection and response workflows.

Generic Threat Intelligence Feeds Won’t Cut It

There are many open-source threat intelligence feeds available online, and most commercial security tools already include generic data feeds. But these feeds contain an overwhelming flood of new threat records — and most of them exploit vulnerabilities you don’t actually have!

Curated threat intelligence narrows your focus down to the ones that can actually impact you.

Analysts don’t have time to manually query thousands of irrelevant threat records just to find the one that might offer valuable insight. They need accurate, highly curated threat intelligence data delivered automatically.

Introducing Anomali ThreatStream: Curated Threat Intelligence Made Simple

Anomali ThreatStream lets security analysts cut through the noise and focus exclusively on the threat data that applies to their organization’s unique risk profile. That means filtering out the vast majority of threats that simply don’t apply to your industry or tech stack.

Lumifi uses Anomali ThreatStream to automate the core functions of a dedicated threat intelligence team. It aggregates threat intelligence data, normalizes and de-duplicates it, and prioritizes it according to its impact on the organization itself.

The result is a thoroughly vetted set of emerging threats with deep, contextually relevant information immediately available. Now analysts can use threat intelligence the way it was meant to be used.

Augment Your Investigations with Contextually Relevant Indicators of Compromise

Your organization is unlike any other. It has a unique tech stack and risk profile that makes it vulnerable to some threats — and completely impervious to others.

Don’t waste any more time querying for threats that don’t apply to you.

Anomali ThreatStream cuts the noise out of your threat intelligence feed. Lumifi helps you configure your threat intelligence integration to provide highly prioritized, contextually relevant insights to analysts automatically.

The Anomali Platform Consists of Three Products:

  • Anomali ThreatStream makes threat intelligence data more accessible than ever before, making sense of high-volume feeds and integrating fully with industry-leading security tools.
  • Anomali Match accelerates forensics by matching observed threat data with information gathered throughout the environment, including historical data.
  • Anomali Lens empowers analysts to make accurate, well-informed decisions quickly, with an intuitive color-coding system telling analysts which records actually pose a threat to their organization, and which ones don’t.

Implement Best-in-Class Threat Intelligence Today

Don’t let your security team waste valuable time investigating threats that don’t apply to your organization. Focus your efforts on the high-priority threats that demand your attention right now and give analysts the resources they need to deliver valuable insight in real-time.

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Q3: SOC Quarterly Threat Briefing

🗓️ Date: Oct. 30th, 2024
🕒 Time: 11 AM (PT)

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