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Security Architecture

Align Your Security Architecture with Long-Term Strategic Goal

Your security is not a one-time project. It’s a process that requires constant assessment, improvement, and alignment with business goals that can change over time. Threats actors continue to evolve their tactics, and it’s up to security leaders to build infrastructure that accommodates security, usability, and effective data governance.

If your security architecture doesn’t align with the organization’s long-term goals, you risk ending up with an inconsistent, inflexible IT infrastructure that users can’t rely on. This may negatively impact the user experience, drag down performance, or even introduce new and unexpected security vulnerabilities into your systems.

These risks are even more pronounced for organizations undergoing transformation to the Zero Trust model. Resistance from stakeholders and users may lead to unapproved workarounds and shadow IT processes that undermine the entire project.

Great Security Architecture Doesn’t Compromise Between Usability and Security

  • Building observability and continuous improvement into security infrastructure allows for a more flexible, accommodating approach. 
  • Engaging with users and stakeholders is vital for ensuring compliance with security policies, especially potentially disruptive ones. 
  • Experienced security architecture deployment personnel help enterprises avoid the common pitfalls that can cause implementations to fail.

Deploy Best-in-Class Security Architecture with Lumifi Expertise at the Helm

Upgrading your security architecture requires extensive access to specialist talent and best-in-class security resources. Most in-house security teams don’t have the experience needed to guarantee a flawless transition to new security models and infrastructure.  

Lumifi provides scalable, on-demand access to industry experts who have overseen thousands of complex implementations and security infrastructure projects. Our team knows what makes projects succeed, what makes them fail, and how your organization can enhance its capabilities without taking on undue risks. 

Our team is comfortable leveraging the security tools your organization already uses. We don’t advocate for rip-and-replace implementations or push you to partner with specific vendors. In fact, we’ll teach you how to disconnect from any security tool or service – including our own – from day one and protect you from the risks of vendor lock-in every step of the way. 

Key Benefits

  • Gain unlimited visibility into your security processes and discover your level of real-world risk exposure. 
  • Deploy the right technologies for optimizing your organization’s security workflows, with support for all vendors – not just the ones we prefer to partner with. 
  • Avoid the risks of shadow IT processes bypassing your established security policies. Detect unauthorized behavior even when it comes from authorized users.

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Q3: SOC Quarterly Threat Briefing

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🕒 Time: 11 AM (PT)

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