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Tag: Ransomware

Healthcare Ransomware Case Study

How Lumifi Rescued a Healthcare Company from a Devastating Ransomware Attack and Transformed Their IT Infrastructure

Executive Summary A healthcare company with multiple service locations experienced a severe ransomware attack that completely shut down their systems. Lumifi, alongside other partners, BOK and Solytics Partners, provided critical project and remediation services. This case study explores how Lumifi's intervention not only resolved the immediate crisis but also transformed the healthcare company's IT infrastructure, […]
How to Recover From a Ransomware Attack

How to Recover From a Ransomware Attack

Ransomware is projected to cost victims $265 billion by 2031 — more than ten times the damages reported in 2021. However, average ransom amounts are growing at a much slower pace.  That can only mean that the frequency of successful ransomware attacks is growing. Cybercriminals are improving their techniques and targeting organizations more carefully than […]
Why is patching important to the security of your business?

Why is patching important to the security of your business?

If you are not keeping up with regular patching of your computer and the programs that run on it – then you are simply asking for trouble. Many of the breaches that make the news are caused by holes in software for which a patch existed by the vendor.
Your Best Defense Against Ransomware Might Be Your Employees

Your Best Defense Against Ransomware Might Be Your Employees

While your business’ data security program should consist of many components, perhaps the most effective defense to ransomware is building a culture of data security amongst your employees.
Detecting Ransomware: The Same as Detecting Any Kind of Malware?

Detecting Ransomware: The Same as Detecting Any Kind of Malware?

Ransomware burst onto the scene with high profile attacks against hospitals, law firms and other organizations.  What is it and how can you detect it? 
Just how dangerous is ransomware?

Just how dangerous is ransomware?

Ransomware is a business’ worst nightmare. This malware infects computers and restricts the users from accessing any of their data until paying the ransom. What would you do to get that data back?
Ransomware Protection: Who’s Responsible for What?

Ransomware Protection: Who’s Responsible for What?

Ransomware risk changed dramatically for Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) and their clients in 2021. The Kaseya hack used a vulnerability in the popular Virtual System Administrator (VSA) remote management software to spread ransomware through MSSPs to an estimated 1,500 small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) worldwide. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warns that more of the same is coming in 2022.
Best Practices for MSPs Offering Security Services

Best Practices for MSPs Offering Security Services

During our recent webinar “Ask Netsurion Anything,” our panel of experts addressed questions on topics ranging from meeting customer needs to business best practices. Here are the key takeaways from that session and guidance for MSPs offering security services to their customers.
Ransomware is only getting started

Ransomware is only getting started

Ransomware is about denying you access to your data via encryption. But that denial has to be of a great enough magnitude create sufficient motivation for the victim to pay.
MSPs Versus Ransomware in 2022: Where Multi-Layered Security Fits In

MSPs Versus Ransomware in 2022: Where Multi-Layered Security Fits In

Skyrocketing ransomware threats and extortion demands show no sign of slowing down in 2022. Average ransomware demands surged by 518% in the first half of 2021 compared to 2020, while payments climbed by 82% in the same period, according to Infosecurity Magazine. Crippling ransomware attacks caused an average business downtime of six days with costs in the millions.
How to Protect Your Network from Ransomware Tips from the FBI

How to Protect Your Network from Ransomware Tips from the FBI

The FBI estimates that more than 4,000 ransomware attacks have occurred daily since the beginning of 2016. That’s a 300% increase from the previous year. This is due in part to the thriving sector of “ransomware-as-a-service.”
Malware, Ransomware, and the Next Big Threat

Malware, Ransomware, and the Next Big Threat

Imagine the lost revenue for a major retailer if they needed to shut down all of their stores for a few days, or even a few hours, especially over the busy holiday season. The impact would be devastating.

AI-powered Ransomware: AI is Now a Critical Piece of Today' Security Puzzle

As ransomware groups enhance their capabilities with generative AI and sophisticated automation, security leaders need to extend their detection and response capabilities more than ever. 
Ransomware's Next Move

Ransomware's Next Move

While IT security teams identify, hunt, and remove specific variants of the ransomware, there may already be unknown mutated varieties lurking dormant and ready to execute.
Petya Ransomware – What it is and what to do

Petya Ransomware – What it is and what to do

A new ransomware variant is sweeping across the globe known as Petya. It is currently having an impact on a wide range of industries and organizations, including critical infrastructure such as energy, banking, and transportation systems.
Five Myths About Ransomware

Five Myths About Ransomware

Ransomware is a popular weapon for cyber criminals. Worldwide in 2020, there were 304 million ransomware attacks, a 62% increase from the year prior, according to Statista. All verticals are vulnerable to these ransomware attacks, which if successful, are a blot on financial statements of the targeted organizations.
Use MITRE ATT&CK to Thwart Ransomware Faster %%sep%% %%sitetitle%%

Use MITRE ATT&CK to Thwart Ransomware Faster

Ransomware has made a resurgence and is impacting both IT service providers and the businesses they serve. What if you had insights into cyber criminal tactics and techniques happening in your environment? What if you knew more about the adversaries you face in this cyber battle? Can you help prioritize potential threats to stop a ransomware attack before it’s too late? The MITRE ATT&CK framework enables defenders to optimize protection beyond legacy tools like anti-virus.
Safeguard Your Business Against Ransomware Threats

Safeguard Your Business Against Ransomware Threats

As the second iteration of the WannaCry ransomware impacting IT infrastructure around the globe is expected, we want to arm our customers with information to be best prepared.
Protecting Against Ransomware Attacks: What Every Business Needs to Know

Protecting Against Ransomware Attacks: What Every Business Needs to Know

Ransomware attack frequency is at its height as there have been more than 4,000 ransomware attacks happening each day for over a year now. Follow these tips to help avoid a ransomware breach at your business.

Ransomware Attacks and How to Protect Yourself

What is Ransomware? An organization or user's access to data on their computer is restricted by malware known as "ransomware." Cybercriminals put businesses in a situation wherein paying the ransom is the quickest and least expensive option to recover access to their data by encoding these files and requesting a ransom demand for the decryption […]
How to Create a Ransomware-Ready Disaster Recovery Plan

How to Create a Ransomware-Ready Disaster Recovery Plan

Data disasters come in all shapes and forms, and enterprises need to have multi-layered contingencies in place. A good enterprise disaster recovery plan protects against a wide variety of scenarios. It must ensure business continuity – or provide a plausible roadmap for it – in case of natural disasters, human errors, and malicious cyberattacks. 
Update on PrintNightmare & Kaseya Ransomware

Update on PrintNightmare & Kaseya Ransomware

Over the 4th of July weekend, two breaches were brought to Lumifi's attention pertaining to PrintNightmare and Kaseya. Details on PrintNightmare While you likely do not have Print Servers exposed to the world (we hope not), we also wanted to note that we are aware of this and have diligently reviewed detection methodology. POC code […]

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a form of malware cybercriminals use to encrypt data stored in computers or online servers. Cybercriminals demand payment to release the encryption key blocking the user from accessing the encrypted data. Payment is typically made through diverse mediums, including digital currency like Bitcoin. Once payment has been made, the victim is generally provided with […]
Cybersecurity Training

Why User Education is #1 in Cyber Resilience

Statistical data shows that over one-third, or 36 percent, of ransomware infections happen due to a lack of cybersecurity training across organizations across all industry verticals. Another 30 percent of the ransomware infections worldwide materialize because of weak user passwords, while 25 percent are due to poor user practices, according to managed service providers (MSPs) […]
Yet Another Ransomware That Can be Immediately Detected with Process Tracking on Workstations; EXE

Yet Another Ransomware That Can be Immediately Detected with Process Tracking on Workstations

As I write this, yet another ransomware attack is underway. This time it’s called Petya, and it again uses SMB to spread. But here’s the thing — it uses an EXE to get its work done.

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Q3: SOC Quarterly Threat Briefing

🗓️ Date: Oct. 30th, 2024
🕒 Time: 11 AM (PT)

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