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Tag: Hacking

Do Hackers Fear U.S. Jails?

Do Hackers Fear U.S. Jails?

In what should only be considered a victory for the U.S. DOJ, 2 of the 4 alleged Subway hackers responsible for potentially $10 Million dollars in computer fraud have been sentenced, and 1 of the remaining criminal’s trial is set to begin shortly.
State Sponsored Hacking – More Than an Issue for Sony

State Sponsored Hacking – More Than an Issue for Sony

We live in a brave new world where the spies of yesteryear, like James Bond and Jason Bourne, are truly falling away into the realm of fantasy, replaced instead with hackers, doing battle on the digital front.
Think you are too small to be hacked?

Think you are too small to be hacked?

Why has ransomware exploded on to the scene in 2017? Because it works.
Protecting your business from hacker’s attacks

Protecting your business from hacker’s attacks

2016 Verizon Breach Investigations Report (Part 3 of 3)
We've covered the 4 patterns of attack used by hackers, expanded on how dangerous these attacks are and how hackers are hurting your business. But did you know, many of these attacks can be prevented with a little help and knowledge? 
Hackers May Just Look to Embarrass You

Hackers May Just Look to Embarrass You

When you think about electronic security, what comes to mind? Do you consider how vulnerable your customer credit cards are, or how easily someone can break into your on-line bank account? These are the most profitable avenues of attack that thieves usually focus on, but occasionally, cybercriminals are motivated by something besides greed.
Does Your Call for Help Bring Hackers to Your Door?

Does Your Call for Help Bring Hackers to Your Door?

There is a new trend facing people who rely on help desks. Hackers are targeting help desks because they know that the people who provide you support have the access into your systems that they want to exploit.
Everyone Wants to Be a Penetration Tester

Everyone Wants to Be a Penetration Tester

There is a lot more to cyber security than just hacking... So… Everyone wants to be a penetration tester! Lately I’ve been speaking at events, conducting interviews, mentoring new security professionals and students and every single person when asked how they want their career to progress or what they are interested in doing, like clockwork […]

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Q3: SOC Quarterly Threat Briefing

🗓️ Date: Oct. 30th, 2024
🕒 Time: 11 AM (PT)

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