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Tag: Data Protection

Is your business at risk of a data breach?

Is your business at risk of a data breach?

2016 Verizon Breach Investigations Report (Part 1 of 3)
The 80 page report is packed with valuable data breach insights. We know time is valuable so we decided to save you some by sharing the 3 main topics you should understand from this report.
criminals; Every Merchant Needs Electronic Data Protection

Every Merchant Needs Electronic Data Protection

How many days go by between news stories involving computer breaches? The truth of the matter is that as long as sensitive data is gathered by merchants, thieves will attempt to steal it.
Cybercrime Find Out Who Is Affected By A Data Breach?

Find Out Who Is Affected By A Data Breach?

The number of data breaches continues to increase. Cybercrime affects your brand, your customers and your employees in ways that are unrecoverable at times. Don't let your business be affected next.
IT Service Providers: Mind the Security Gap

IT Service Providers: Mind the Security Gap

Persistent threats affecting businesses of all sizes and in all verticals are becoming more consistent and hitting more frequently. The 2016 Verizon Data Breach report analyzed 100,000 incidents, of which 3,141 were confirmed data breaches.
No Business is Too Small for Hackers!

No Business is Too Small for Hackers!

It's National Small Business Week! Let's celebrate the hard work you do and make sure your business continues to grow. Have you ever thought about what would happen if your business is affected by a data breach? 
What tools are hackers using to access businesses’ networks?

What tools are hackers using to access businesses’ networks?

2016 Verizon Breach Investigations Report (Part 2 of 3)
In our previous post we showed you that regardless of the business’ size, location or industry, many are targets to hackers. So how are hackers getting into these businesses’ networks and stealing data?
May Your Holidays be Merry, Bright, and Hack Free: Security Tips for the Biggest Shopping Season

May Your Holidays be Merry, Bright, and Hack Free: Security Tips for the Biggest Shopping Season

Though there are many companies out there responsible for securing merchant locations from the risks of data breaches, people’s own risky behavior often leads to their ID theft problems, no matter how well merchants protect them. And with more and more merchants accepting chip cards this year, hackers are likely to go back to tried and true methods for preying on individual cardholders.
Netsurion Defense Against Backoff

Lumifi Defense Against Backoff

In the wake of BackOff, and numerous other data breaches, consumers are demanding answers into the how and why surrounding companies who have inadvertently allowed data to be compromised given security measures accessible today.
How Strong Are Your Passwords? Tips To Keep You Protected

How Strong Are Your Passwords? Tips To Keep You Protected

Passwords keep your accounts and network safe but may also be a gateway for hackers. Here are some quick tips we recommend when creating your passwords.
Tracking removable storage with the Windows Security Log

Tracking removable storage with the Windows Security Log

With data breaches and Snowden-like information grabs, I’m getting increased requests for how to track data moving to and from removable storage, such as flash drives. The good news is that the Windows Security Log does offer a way to audit removable storage access.
Learn Why Data Privacy is Good for Your Business

Learn Why Data Privacy is Good for Your Business

Following many high-profile data breaches, consumers have elevated data privacy to front-page news and included it as criteria for brand selection and engagement. Consumers around the globe now realize that they aren’t always aware or informed about how their private information is used or shared. Fifty-four percent of consumers are more concerned with protecting their personal information than they were a year ago, according to a survey reported by Security Magazine.
Perfect protection is not practical

Perfect protection is not practical

With distressing regularity, new breaches continue to make headlines. The biggest companies, the largest institutions both private and government are affected. Every sector is in the news.
MGM Resorts Compromise

Scattered Spider, Oktapus, UNC3944, Scatter Swine – MGM Resorts Compromise

Threat Summary: On September 11th, 2023, MGM Resorts suffered a crippling ransomware attack that resulted in 10 days of computer system downtime as well as an estimated overall loss of $80,000,000. The threat actor, dubbed Scattered Spider, is claiming ownership of this hack and alleges to have ties with the infamous ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware gang. In […]
Do you know where your data is?

Do you know where your data is?

In this fifth article of the series, we continue to explore the basic ways businesses can keep their networks safer. These include tools you can implement on your own and understand why taking action is vital to the safety of your business.
Securing Zoom Conferencing to Protect Data

Securing Zoom Conferencing to Protect Data

Business uncertainty has led to widespread adoption of working from home. Since most meaningful tasks in any organization require teamwork, this remote work approach has naturally led to a dramatic rise in the use of collaboration tools such as Zoom Conferencing.
The Ten Steps Post Data Breach

The Ten Steps Post Data Breach

Nearly 60% of businesses have experienced a breach in the last two years. Have you ever considered what would happen if your business was breached? Do you have a plan of action?
Threat Brief: Storm-0558 Unleashes Authentication Token Forgery

Storm-0558 Unleashes Authentication Token Forgery

Threat Summary: Storm-0558 is suspected to be a China-based, nation-state threat actor whose TTPs are closely aligned with espionage objectives. This threat actor managed to compromise an inactive MSA signing key which was then used to sign fabricated authentication tokens. Authentication tokens are short-lived credentials that are used to authenticate users to a service. They […]
Microsoft State and Local Government Cybersecurity

Strengthening State and Local Government Cybersecurity

Discover how Lumifi's expertise strengthened cybersecurity for state and local government agencies. By deploying a centralized security technology stack, agencies experienced increased response capabilities and reduced visibility gaps. The experienced SOC provided invaluable support, ensuring optimal protection against diverse attack types. Explore the case study for the full success story.
Verizon's 2023 Data Breach Report

Top 5 Takeaways from Verizon's 2023 Data Breach Report

Cybercriminals are adopting new, more sophisticated tactics. Security leaders can't depend on purely technical solutions that ignore the human element.  If there is one broad theme to Verizon's 2023 Data Breach Report, it's that the arms race between cybercriminals and cybersecurity professionals hinges on the human element more than ever. The report declares this clearly […]
Compromised Credential Attacks Are Top Cause of Data Breaches

Compromised Credential Attacks Are Top Cause of Data Breaches

The use of stolen or compromised credentials remains the most common cause of a data breach. It was responsible for 19% of breaches studied by IBM in 2022. The reason? These attacks are relatively easy to plan and execute.
The Bite Behind the Bark: Enforcement Power of GDPR

The Bite Behind the Bark: Enforcement Power of GDPR

There’s an old saying: Their bark is worse than their bite. However, this is not the case with the penalties of non-compliance when it comes to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With the enforcement date of the GDPR having passed on May 25, 2018, any company not in compliance could be in for a very nasty shock.
Tracking Physical Presence with the Windows Security Log

Tracking Physical Presence with the Windows Security Log

How do you figure out when someone was actually logged onto their PC? The data is there in the security log, but it’s so much harder than you’d think.
The Impact Of A Data Breach

The Impact Of A Data Breach

What is the true cost of a data breach? A data breach affects your business, brand, and reputation. But it can be prevented.
Six Simple Rules For Safe Credit Card Handling

Six Simple Rules For Safe Credit Card Handling

It is becoming more and more frequent to read about electronic data breaches in the news these days. Unfortunately, what is not touched on as frequently are the physical security issues present in restaurant and retail establishments.
Netsurion services and OpenSSL the Heartbleed issue

Netsurion services and OpenSSL the Heartbleed issue

Many of our customers and resellers have asked how Heartbleed affected Netsurion services. In a nutshell, the managed services that make up our product offerings were not directly affected by Heartbleed.
A haunting tale, just in time for the fall: Don’t let what happened to them, happen to you

A haunting tale, just in time for the fall: Don’t let what happened to them, happen to you

The old Haunted Hotel with squeaky wood floors, welcomed all guests who dared enter the front doors. Guests arrived from every nation – every corner of world – ready to spend money and explore.
Once More Unto the Data (Breach), Dear Friends

Once More Unto the Data (Breach), Dear Friends

As I reflect on this year, a Shakespearean quote plays out in my mind – when King Henry the Fifth is rallying his troops to attack a breach, or gap, in the wall of a city, “Once more unto the breach, dear friends”...
Cybersecurity Professionals

Cybersecurity Professionals

As data breaches occur more and more, it is no secret that the market needs more cybersecurity professionals. Here are a few statistics on the need to educate the next generation on pursuing cyber professional careers.
POS VARs - Don’t be a Target!

POS VARs - Don’t be a Target!

When business owners start looking at Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, they may feel overwhelmed at the infinite amount of options they can find online. How does a business owner make a decision? How do they know it’s the right decision?
Equifax’s enduring lesson — perfect protection is not practical

Equifax’s enduring lesson — perfect protection is not practical

Equifax, one of the big-three US credit bureaus, disclosed a major data breach. It affects 143 million individuals — mostly Americans, although data belonging to citizens of other countries, for the most part Canada and the United Kingdom, were also hit.
The Detection Deficit

The Detection Deficit

The gap between the ‘time to compromise’ and the ‘time to discover’ is the detection deficit. According to Verizon DBIR, the trend lines of these have been diverging significantly in the past few years. Worse yet, the data shows that attackers are able to compromise the victim in days but thereafter are able to spend an average of 243 days undetected within the enterprise network before they are exposed.
Cyberattacks on Banks: 5 Growing Threats in 2023

Cyberattacks on Banks: 5 Growing Threats in 2023

Cyberattacks against banks and financial institutions continue to rise as cybercriminals develop new tactics.  The global financial sector is one of the biggest cybercrime targets in the world. The volume and sophistication of cyberattacks on banks surged in 2022, spiking considerably at the very end of the year. 
Five quick wins to reduce exposure to insider threats

Five quick wins to reduce exposure to insider threats

A data breach has serious consequences both directly and indirectly. Lost revenue and a tarnished brand reputation both inflict harm long after incident resolution and post breach clean-up. Still, many organizations don’t take necessary steps to protect themselves from a potentially detrimental breach.

Digital Footprint

Keep Your Digital Footprint in Step with Your Information Security Needs

Every online action you perform involves sharing a bit of data – over time, that data can add up.  Successful organizations and influential people rely on the public Internet to promote their brands, ideas, and products. A significant amount of time and energy goes into building a brand, and most of it is spent online. 

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