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Discover Everything Your Security Team Has Been Missing with NetWitness. Eliminate security gaps and blind spots with NetWitness SIEM and NDR capabilities. 

Automate threat detection and response with real-time network forensics

Detect suspicious activities throughout your entire IT environment and piece them together into a consistent narrative. Use Netwitness to map threat behaviors across every network asset. 

Don’t give threat actors anywhere to hide. Give your organization the edge it needs with NetWitness. 

Enhance visibility, analytics, and automation with a single solution

NetWitness accelerates threat detection and response by analyzing data from every capture point throughout your organization. It ingests logs, packets, netflow, endpoint, and IoT data across physical, virtual, and cloud computing platforms and delivers timely, accurate security insights in real-time. 

NetWitness allows security analysts to prioritize suspicious activity before launching investigations, ensuring your team addresses high-severity risks first. 

Find out how NetWitness can transform your detection and response capabilities. 

Reduce alert fatigue and false positives with NetWitness NDR and SIEM

Netwitness uses state-of-the-art parsing and indexing technology to capture network and log data, add enrichments, and deliver instant insight into security concerns as they unfold. 

Provide your security team with contextualized alerts, prioritized and customized according to level of concern. Address low-priority 3rd party alerts after investigating high-risk detected activity. 

NDR and SIEM are two pillars of the Gartner SOC Visibility Triad. Unify your security posture with NetWitness. 

Use NetWitness to enhance analytics and simplify reporting

NetWitness Logs ingests log data from more than 350 distinct event sources, including public cloud infrastructure, SaaS platforms, and more. Netwitness provides a comprehensive platform for managing, analyzing, and reporting on log data. 

Use this data to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and more. Expand predefined reports to meet your compliance needs to the letter. 

Gain behavioral insights with machine learning 

Leverage machine learning to gain User Entity and Behavioral Analytics (UEBA) insights from across the entire hybrid IT environment. UEBA technology assigns a dynamic risk score to every user and asset on your network, allowing analysts to investigate unusual activity before it results in business disruption.  

Unsupervised machine learning algorithms continuously inspect network and log behavior to identify threats in real-time — but must be fine-tuned to your unique security risk profile. Rely on Lumifi’s unparalleled product expertise to make the most of your UEBA implementation. 

Transform your security posture with UEBA-enhanced analytics. Find the right ShieldVision™ product package for your use case. 

What Is SOAR Security?

Talk to a specialist about custom NetWitness implementations

Lumifi specializes in custom SIEM and NDR implementations that fully leverage the advanced capabilities NetWitness offers. We create custom rules and connectors so that organizations of any size can benefit from industry-leading automation and insight. 

Off-the-shelf security capabilities aren’t enough to defend your organization against modern threats. Fine-tune your technology to gain robust protection. 

Don’t let default configurations become an obstacle to operational security performance. Customize your NetWitness implementation with Lumifi. 

Ready to get started?
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Q3: SOC Quarterly Threat Briefing

🗓️ Date: Oct. 30th, 2024
🕒 Time: 11 AM (PT)

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