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Lumifi's Complete Guide to Information Security Managed Services

By Lumifi Cyber  |  December 10, 2021

Companies must protect important and sensitive data no matter its form. So, what is information security?

It includes everything from making sure digital information is protected against hackers to assuring a physical filing cabinet full of billing information is defended against thieves.

There are three areas on which information security focuses to ensure that data is protected (sometimes referred to as the CIA triad).

  • Confidentiality: This focus is on preventing sensitive information from unauthorized access attempts.
  • Integrity: The focus here is on maintaining the accuracy, trustworthiness, and consistency of data, ensuring it is not altered or modified in any way.
  • Availability: Availability focuses on hiding information and protecting it while providing secure ways for authorized parties to access the information.

Find out more about what information security is and how it is different from cybersecurity, and learn about the benefits of managed IT services in every organization.

Information Security vs. Cybersecurity 

Information security and cybersecurity are sometimes used interchangeably, but the truth is they are slightly different from each other. While both address data security, it' important to know the differences.

Information security is about protecting all data, regardless of its format or location. This covers digital storage and protection of data, the physical storage location of that virtual information (like a company' server), and any physical document or storage.

Cybersecurity is a subset of information security. Cybersecurity only focuses on protecting an organization' digital data from cyber-attacks from both internal and external sources.

Why is information security important?

Data security is essential for every organization. Companies must protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, data breaches, or other compromising attacks.

Weak security can lead to vital information being lost, stolen, or leveraged against the company, creating a poor experience for customers. In most cases, a data breach or a violation of privacy from the lack of security usually leads to a loss in business and significant damage to a company' reputation. In the worst data breaches, some companies can even experience disruption or serious pauses to their services, impacting cash flow and profit margins.

Your company' integrity, as well as the protection you provide your client' information, is critical and should be a priority. Every organization should have at least a minimal layer of information security to provide all stakeholders peace of mind.

What Are Managed Services? 

Managed services are outsourcing some or all of your daily operations to a specialized contractor. The most common area for managed services is information technology, where a third party helps maintain, update, and manage an organization' IT needs. But managed services can also be used in information security, also known as managed security services (MSSP).

What Are the Benefits of a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)? 

Managed security services are becoming more popular in every industry. Here are some of the biggest reasons you should consider hiring an external provider rather than trying to manage your information security with an internal team.

Save Money

Using an MSSP is more cost-effective than running everything internally. Building your own security team can be expensive, and it usually isn't in the budget for most small and medium-sized companies. An MSSP provides services at a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee.

Directly Access Skill and Experience

MSSP providers have years of experience and education in the field. They are professionals at what they do, and security is their passion. They don't just focus on what is currently happening in security, but they research and prepare for what could be coming next.

MSS providers have to be one step ahead of what hackers and thieves are doing so they can best protect your information. The best part about an MSSP is that your company has direct access to all of their intelligence whenever you need it.

Lumifi has years of experience and has successfully deployed SIEM/SOAR products in over 2,000 organizations globally.

Properly Manage Risk and Compliance

Some laws regulate how information security has to be handled. You could try to learn those laws yourself, or let an expert who already knows all of the compliance requirements and regulations handle it for you.

Save Time

If you have an IT team, they already have enough to manage on their schedule. Using MSSP gives your existing IT team more time to focus on other essential tasks. An MSSP can easily integrate alongside your existing teams, allowing each person to play for their strengths.

Who Can Benefit from Managed Security Services? 

If you don't already have a well-established information security team, your organization can benefit from managed security services. Lumifi works with Fortune 50/Global 2,000 organizations as well as SMB' and everything in between. We have worked with thousands of Healthcare, Financial, Retail, Technology, and Government organizations on a variety of projects that range from tailored consulting to 24x7 Managed Services.

When Should You Get Managed Security Services? 

Some people assume if you already have some security in place it' no longer possible to use MSSP. This is not true. An MSSP can assist at any point in the security process. It can help you build your security from scratch or help you improve or automate your existing information security solutions.

Choose Lumifi

You don't have to worry about tackling information security yourself. At Lumifi, we stay on top of the always-changing field of information security management. We provide managed service solutions to help you better protect sensitive information from data breaches and security threats.

Learn more about Lumifi's services!

Check out the services Lumifi can offer your company, and contact us to learn more about how we can help you reach your information security management goals.

Contact us today to request a demo and view our full lineup of managed services to see where we can help you.

By Lumifi Cyber
Castra's Complete Guide to Information Security Managed Services

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