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Managed Detection Response Celebration: Join Our Exciting Journey!

By Elliot Anderson  |  July 18, 2023

We're thrilled to announce our momentous milestone as we start our journey of 15 years in the managed detection response field. Reflecting on our achievements, we express our appreciation for our outstanding team and valued industry partners. To honor this occasion, we're introducing Lumifi Day, a special celebration dedicated to our team members.

Lumifi Day is a heartfelt tribute to our team's unwavering commitment and expertise. Their contributions have shaped our success and positioned us as leaders in the industry. Join us in celebrating, and stay tuned for engaging content highlighting our journey and showcasing our team's connection to the industry.

Throughout Lumifi Day, we'll share behind-the-scenes glimpses and how we've contributed to the innovation of managed detection response (MDR) in cybersecurity. Our partnerships have played a vital role in our growth, and we believe collaboration and knowledge-sharing drive advancements in our industry.

Lumifi Day isn't just about the past; it's about the future. We're energized by the opportunities ahead and remain committed to being at the forefront of innovation. By investing in research, development, and top talent, we aim to shape the industry's future.

We sincerely thank our employees, clients, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support. Your trust has been the driving force behind our accomplishments. Stay tuned for captivating content that showcases our journey, team expertise, and industry developments.

Let's celebrate 15 years of managed detection response and the incredible people who made it all possible. Together, we'll forge ahead into an exciting future.

By Elliot Anderson
Lumifi-Celebrating-15-years-of-MDR - Managed Detection Response

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