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Tag: Incident Response (IR)

SANS Incident Response Framework

The SANS Incident Response Framework

Incident response plans give security teams a standardized set of procedures for mitigating the risks associated with security incidents. They make cyberattacks less disruptive, reduce operational downtime, and contain data breaches. Since every organization is unique, it needs to create a set of incident response playbooks designed to fit its security risk profile. It also […]
5 Most Overlooked Elements of Incident Response Plans

5 Most Overlooked Elements of Incident Response Plans

Learn how to establish robust, standardized security controls for handling any kind of incident. Data breaches and security incidents are tense, high-pressure situations where every second counts. In that scenario, having a clear and detailed incident response plan ready can mean the difference between success and failure. In an environment where one hour of downtime […]

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Every organization wants to improve its information security capabilities. Part of a security leader’s job is identifying the best way to do that. However, no two organizations are exactly alike. Various stakeholders may have different ideas about what high-impact security excellence looks like in practice. Achieving meaningful security goals means getting everyone on the same […]

Introduction to Incident Response Frameworks

Efficient incident response processes lead to reduced downtime, lower security operations costs, and higher ROI on security spend. Cybersecurity is all about being prepared. Thorough incident response processes are crucial to your organizations’ ability to successfully overcome a security breach. Prevention is important, though it can only take your organization so far. There is always […]

NIST and SANS Incident Response Frameworks Explained

Introducing  NIST and SANS Most security leaders focus on two incident response frameworks: NIST and SANS. NIST SP 800-61 is published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a government agency. It describes a six-phase incident response process that includes guidelines for formulating security policies and interacting with external organizations. The SANS Incident Handler’s […]

Incident Response in Exabeam: How to Create Playbooks and Automate Security Incident Resolution

Learn how to use the platform's security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solution to quickly investigate and resolve security incidents.  Exabeam enables security teams to automate their response to security incidents, dramatically reducing the time and resources required to mitigate active attacks. The platform's Incident Responder lets analysts automate time-consuming tasks when investigating incidents and […]

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